Goa’s tourism USP is its people, its food, unforgettable memories

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Goa’s tourism USP is its people, its food, unforgettable memories

Goa’s tourism journey can be measured in many ways, but the best comes from the eye of the beholder. Visitors who first came 35 years ago and continue to come, tell a story difficult to ignore.

Adam Fletcher first came 25 years back, and his experiences have a fairy-tale quality of what he has learnt, is learning and willing to share with those planning their first trip.

Fletcher writes: “Do you go back to Goa because you love it or because it is cheap?”

And replies, “Having been going for over 25 years. For me, it is the people, friends and memories I have made over the years. Yes I know it is not what it was back then, and prices have gone up, but still can’t wait to be back.”

“Don’t think it’s cheap to get there anymore, but we go back because we love the people, the food, and the friends we meet every year. Been going since 1994,” shares Wilma Baird, also from the UK.

“First time in 1979 and still going,” says Neil Hedge, whose remark reflects the enthusiasm that most who come with take back.

“The industry needs to change to accommodate those who are coming. We cannot be choosy. We need to be accommodative and accept all with the same kinship that our ancestors did,” reflects a restaurant owner.

Asian countries are opening up and others will follow the Vietnamese way, but will those who have visited Goa ever forget their holidays here?

Source: Gomantak Times ( https://www.gomantaktimes.com/news/goa/goas-tourism-usp-is-its-people-its-food-unforgettable-memories )

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