‘Ambeachem’ fest in Goa

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‘Ambeachem’ fest in Goa

Many participated in the recently held festival of mangoes ‘Ambeachem fest’ at the MontFort Academy, Corlim, Old Goa.

Goencho Festakar, Marius Fernandes is known to curate several unique festivals which highlight and celebrate Goa’s culture and knowledge. The main feature of such festivals is that they are sans sponsors, chief guests, competition, prizes and no alcohol is served.

One such festival the ‘Ambeachem Fest,’ was recently held at the MontFort Academy, Corlim, Old Goa, on Saturday. It was the 50th festival curated by Marius Fernandes.

Various sessions and activities were conducted as part of the festival.


A live grafting session was conducted by Priyanka Naik. Agriculturist Miguel Braganza spoke about the care needed to nurture mango trees, and the importance of removing weeds from the tree at regular intervals so that they don’t harm the tree.

Dr Maryanne Lobo conducted a mango tree walk, where she explained various aspects of a mango tree and its health benefits. She explained the purpose and use of the mango tree in ailments.

At the Bolcaocho Gozzali session of the festival, Konkani playwright, Baba Prasad, and saxophone player, Austine Fernandes, spoke about their careers and the challenges they had to face while pursuing them.

This fest also saw the participation of the para players who recently represented Goa at national tournaments being felicitated for their achievements and contributions by Goa DGP Jaspal Singh. It was an inclusive festival.

In a bid to set a record, twenty five ghumots were played by women, and were accompanied by the song Ghum Ghum, composed by Shakuntala Bharne. A group of women from Dulapi performed the lamp dance.

Prior to the fest, a four-day workshop was held for the youth. They learnt traditional dance and songs of Goa, football skills, art and painting and etc. They were trained and guided by volunteers Vimala D’ Souza, Raysancia D’Cunha, Pranil Karanjakar, Ratasha Fernandes, Ana Gomes and Cleona Rodrigues.

Dr Glenis Mendonca, Inacio Madeira and Carlos Gonsalves also performed at the ‘Ambeachem fest’.

Source: Gomantak Times (https://www.gomantaktimes.com/my-goa/art-culture/heres-what-happened-at-the-ambeachem-fest-in-goa )

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